Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Warning: not for vegetarians!

When we get meat from the butcher's out here, this is how it arrives at your house. No nice clingfilm packaging and smart labels, but beef direct from the cow! Therefore, I found myself in another role today, as I took up the task of washing, then chopping, the fresh meat, so that it will be suitable for home freezing and cooking. A tough task- this beef needed a firm hand to be cut!

Whilst Esther, Ben and I held the fort at home today, Andrew has been exploring the car dealerships of Dar es Salaam. Not having a local vehicle dealer in Dodoma, Andrew had to make the day-long bus journey to Dar on Monday in order to go and find us a suitable vehicle for our time out here. He has had a successful day and found us a car, but the paperwork will take some time - maybe a few weeks?- to complete. He has started the process and can do no more at this stage, so returns home tomorrow on the hot, sticky bus journey. I must make sure there is a tasty beef casserole awaiting my travel-weary husband when he arrives home...

P.S. Esther would like you all to know that she took the photo today, of Mummy with the beef!

1 comment:

  1. Clever Esther! Daniel is trying on the technology front too. He tried to send a Text mge to Tanzania (to A's old no... so maybe it didn't get through.)
    1) I'm glad I'm veggie
    2) I'm glad I don't live in Tanzania!
