Thursday, 16 June 2011

New Produce

On arriving back home, we were excited to discover some new produce in our garden. Our banana tree has finally decided to produce fruit- the first crop since we arrived in Dodoma:
Our little vegetable garden is working hard to push up some carrots and green peppers (we hope they survive this dry season, with no rains expected now until November! must remember to water them...)The pumpkin seeds we planted just before leaving for England in February have produced quite a crop, we hear, and Gadi, the man who works in our garden for us 2 mornings a week, says he and his family enjoyed several pumpkins while we were away. He saved 2 pumkins for us, carefully guarded by Joel ( the latest product of the Parker family!) before they made their way into a delicious soup in my kitchen:

And finally, 4 kittens awaited us, the pride and joy of Moshi Mother Cat.
Now we need to find homes for them all!! The cats on our MAF compound have been a little too busy if you ask me. Between the 4 pet cats on our compound, 17 kittens have recently been produced!! Does anyone know a vet who would like to come and do a short term assignment here in Dodoma and "sort out" our female cats??? We seem to have rather too much new produce in the cat department!

Meanwhile, Moshi was so pleased to see us again that she presented us with a special gift outside the back door. A gift which made me scream and jump 3 feet in the air; a gift I could do without!


  1. What an exciting time in the garden.Was intrigued to know how Joel was protecting the
    pumkins until I scrolled down and saw the photo.
    Are the bananas for matoke or can you eat them like fruit? Let's hope Moshi doesn't double everytime she has kittens - or you may be looking at eight next time round.
    When we went for our injections on Monday the nurse was urging us to go for the rabies one but at £145 each we are undecided.Alsothe leaflet that came with passport said never touch an animal not even cats or dogs,sorry moshi and kits!
    Dad says he thinks you're a marvel with your blogs.

  2. PS forgot to comment on Moshi's "gift" all I can say is Ugh!!!!!!!

  3. Enjoying the blogs !! Yuk what a horrible present from the Cat, A

  4. I was enjoying your blog until the last photo... thanks for that!
    Hope the veggies produce for you. Stephen has planted some this year and we are enjoying the lettuce & waiting upon the carrots, beetroot and pototoes.
