Saturday, 1 October 2011

Sports Day

Attached are a few pictures from Esther and Ben's Sports Day yesterday, marking the end of Term 1 and heralding the start of a 2-week school holiday for all the children. Andrew and I were both able to attend the morning's events (far too hot here for any physical activity in the afternoons!). It was fun to watch the children enjoying themselves- and also for us to participate in the Parent's Race- but photographic evidence of that has yet to be released from Claire's camera! (watch this space...).

From races and events with the Secondary pupils, right down to Nursery, there was an air of great excitement at CAMS school yesterday!
 No prizes for guessing which colour team Auntie Claire, Esther and Ben belong to!

There was time to chat with friends inbetween events...

...but the pressure was on when it was time for Esther to run on the school "field" track!

 Ben also tried his very best, racing across the hot, dusty surface in his bright yellow top as the Nursery race got underway, cheered on by the older school pupils on the sidelines:

 Joel preferred to cheer his brother and sister on quietly from the shade, giving Dad the opportunity for a bit of rest from the blazing sun and feverish excitement of the CAMS students!


  1. Looks like it was a fun day! Tim

  2. Lovely photos.Esther and Ben look like they are having fun.Who is Esther's little protective friend.Joel looks like he's enjoying the day too on dad's knee ,looking cool,young and handsome in his sunglasses ( Andrew!).Would love to know what the two children in the photo near Ben are talking about x nana
