Monday, 7 May 2012


Whist on the topic of shopping, I thought I would add a little word about buying honey in Dodoma...
Since living in Dodoma, I have had to get used to the idea of buying honey at the local doctor's surgery. In Tanzania, honey is considered a medicinal product, with great healing properties. Thus, when I run out of honey, I pop across the road to the doctor's surgery where he also has a "duka la dawa" (literally, a medicine shop)... buy a jar of tasty, locally-produced honey!

Esther and Joel can vouch for how delicious it is:

I just hope I don't get confused on our next trip to the UK and ask for a jar of honey at the medical centre- I might get some funny looks!!

1 comment:

  1. Perhaps we should ask Dr K to stock up with honey for your next visit to England!?
    Or perhaps you should bring us some to sample?
