Tuesday, 30 October 2012


We visited Dar es Salaam a couple of weeks ago when the children had their 2 week school holiday. We enjoyed being close to water at the coast - and the Dar es Salaam rain was a real treat!
 Joel was rather confused about rain- he has never really experienced rain, except as a very small baby, so he was not too sure what to make of it! The last time it really rained in Dodoma was when his grandparents visited in March.

The following week, back at home, the children and I joined a group of friends for a walk around Dodoma's "reservoir". The contrast with our trip to Dar is stark! 449 km (279 miles) from the coast of Dar es Salaam, with no beach, rivers or lakes, we do not expect to see much water.
However, there is usually a bit of water to enjoy looking at in Dodoma's reservoir. But not this month! Not a drop can be seen...neither in the so-called reservoir, nor in the blazing blue skies, where not a cloud is visible and rain seems like a distant memory...

View across Dodoma's reservoir to our parking spot:

Joel contemplates the dry vista on the banks of the reservoir:

Walking with our friends along the dusty, sandy pathways:

Passing herds in search of water.. 

 Ben was fascinated by the bed of the reservoir, which has turned into dry, cracked mud:
Our picnic spot was situated nearby. We spread out on mats, sitting on the parched earth- but the dryness and heat did not deter us from enjoying the good company and good snacks on hand!


  1. Looks like the children are having fun in the water though Joel does indeed look somewhat bemused. Who would guess what your reservoir is supposed to be. This time last year we were worried about our reservoirs being low but we've had so much rain this year they surely must soon overflow! what a shame we can't send you some. Admire you all for finding fun even in hot, dry and dusty places nana

  2. What wonderful photos. Looks like you all had a lovely break and change of scenery. Jx
