Wednesday, 26 June 2013


When we were surrounded by spectators on last Saturday's outing, Andrew smiled knowingly and commented, "Welcome to my world."

For Andrew, being an object of curiosity is commonplace. His arrival out of the blue African skies onto remote village airstrips in a shiny MAF plane can create alot of interest. In some cases, Andrew has a long wait in the villages while the doctors, medical teams and evangelists complete their work. Sometimes, Andrew heads to the plane to pass part of the long, hot day reading or to grab a snack. In some rural areas where foreigners are rarely seen and where aeroplanes are a complete novelty, Andrew's every move is  monitored by crowds of curious onlookers. People are keen to get a glimpse of this visitor from another world, a foreign white man who drops in from the air in a noisy plane! In Tanzania, there is no embarrassment in staring and Andrew becomes like a character on a TV show as he is closely watched by shifting crowds of locals...

To give you some idea of what it can feel like to be the object of curiosity, here are some of Andrew's photos from a more isloated village, from his pilot's perspective inside the plane:

Being watched at the windows...


Being watched at the doors!


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like the proverbial goldfish bowl experience. Fascinating to study all the different expressions on the people's faces. I wonder what they are thinking? x nana
