Friday, 30 July 2010

Spoilt Rotten

When some MAF colleagues went to Dar es Salaam last week, where there are real, large supermarkets and access to many more goods than here in Dodoma, I asked them to buy some cat food for Moshi.
I now have a year's supply of aptly named "Cat Food": no more slaving over a hot stove for me or Jane, to concoct strange meals for Moshi with tiny little fish from the market.
Life seems so easy when the cat can eat tinned food!!
Moshi is one very spoilt cat- enough food here to fill her growing tummy- although if my suspicions serve me right, food is not the only reason for Moshi's growing tummy. I won't be surprised if we have a few kittens joining the family in 3 months time... There are no vets in Dodoma to help our little cat in that particular area!

As for us, we have also been spoilt rotten this week when we received 3 parcels in the post!! Very exciting!! Not sure who was more excited- Esther and Ben, or their Mum!


  1. Never mind. Moshi's earning her keep in catching all the rats and other rascals. Just make sure she doesn't catch Ben.

  2. Ben will be made up with the expected new arrivals.Lucky Moshi with her food supply and lucky you noe having to face those gorgeous little fsh!

  3. yummy hope its not all he same flavour
