After 5 weeks of school holidays, Esther starts a new academic year tomorrow- and is VERY excited!! Not so sure about how I feel though, since I have to get her up and ready for the 7:20am daily departure for school!! It's an early start, but at least she finishes her school day at 12pm.
She has also thoroughly enjoyed her holidays, along with Ben. 5 weeks ago I was wondering how on earth we would fill every day without the laid-on entertainment available to us in England, or the beach we had so close in South Africa. However, I need not have worried. The weeks have flown by, packed with busy activities, fun and children everywhere, including 2 new little MAF friends who have delighted my children with their arrival on our MAF compound. Here are a few highlights to show you:
Taking scooters and Ben's little pedal-less bike to St John's University, where a friend is a lecturer, so that the children could speed around on one of the few paved pedestrian surfaces of Dodoma. A little unorthodox maybe, but the students didn't seem to mind and the children had great fun (and were worn out afterwards, sleeping like a dream that night!!)
Time for a quick juice and biscuits break...
A couple of walks around Dodoma's reservoir, with school friends and their mums, enjoying the views and the exercise (although the water level is shrinking as dry season persists):
A shopping trip into town for The Girls (and their mums!), to buy a kanga for Esther and a school bag for her little friend, rounded up with a trip to a local cafe for chai and a doughnut:
There was always trusty play-dough to fall back on, which was given to the children in a party bag after a 6th birthday party they attended last week (what a great idea for a party bag!!):
And there were a couple of informal picnics with school pals and their mums, just to get us all out into the fresh air... So all in all, a great 5 weeks for the children, a whirlwind for me, and all a bit baffling for Andrew, who said he couldn't keep up with it all and finds his MAF work schedule far more reassuring!!
Well Esther and Ben seem to be having a great life in Dodoma and lots of fun.I wonder what Esther was making with the play dough -all eyes seem to be fixed on her.Hope she enjoys school life too and Ben his extra time with mum.