Monday, 1 August 2011

The First Day

Today was another first in the Parker family. This morning, Ben set off bright and early for his very first day of Nursery School! The beginning of Ben's school career...

A very excited Ben packed his school bag first thing in the morning and was all smiles as we left the MAF compound:

 Ben and his little Swiss friend and neighbour from MAF stand ready to enter Nursery School at the playground gates:

Once in the classroom Ben sits down to draw a self portrait with his little friends from Switzerland and Australia while one of his Tanzanian classmates looks on:

Andrew collected a very bouncy and delighted Ben at 12pm. He came home full of news about his new school and playground. Lets hope this is the first of many happy school days ahead!


  1. Hi lovely to see Ben so happy.Won't let on the next two days.sure he's going to be a brilliant little school boy!

  2. Ben looks so grown up heading off to School, hope he settles in well. Don't tell him only another 19 years to go !! A

  3. How is Ben doing now? hope he's beginning to settle in properly J x
