Sunday, 7 August 2011

Keeping Fit in Dodoma

There is no "Fitness First" gym in Dodoma, or any public swimming pool or Sports Centres. Taking up fitness as a recreational activity can be an alien concept to many; there may be little time outside of work and many people keep fit by necessity as they walk or cycle to get around. So when the doctor in England suggested that I should work on keeping fit, I was rather concerned about how I would manage this in Dodoma. Cycling is not an option until Joel is big enough to sit on the back seat of my bike and even then it can be dangerous in the Dodoma traffic. Walking around here with the pram causes so much attention, it can be a little draining at times, since prams are such a novelty in a country where mums carry babies on their backs.
One solution I came up with was to arm myself with "Rosemary Conley's Fat Burner and Fat Attack" fitness DVDs. However, I do not relish the idea of making a spectacle of myself prancing around my lounge on my own, in time to the energetic beat of Rosemary's classes!
Fortunately, help is at hand right here on my doorstep!! I was so pleased to meet Margaret on my return to Dodoma, who is here for a few months. Margaret is a physiotherapist and is now leading a Ladies Keep Fit class every Saturday morning in the front room of her MAF house. What a bonus to be able to join in and work on my fitness with some other MAF ladies, as we learn from Margaret and benefit from her expertise!
This is now what my Saturday morning looks like, with children in and out the room as they keep an eye on their hard-working mums!


  1. Am trying to work out which one is Margaret but have come to the conclusion that she must be the one taking the photo. Thought at first that the children were keeping fit by having apicnic while their mums were hard at it but have on closer inspection can see that they too are keeping very busy.

  2. No, Margaret is the one in the blue T-shirt at the rear of the room and I am taking the photo! X

  3. Do you think she does look a bit like you on the photo?

  4. I can't imagine what the locals would think if they were to catch you mid-session! Much laughter I'm sure J x
