Sunday 15 September 2013

South Sudan

South Sudan is a country about which I know very little.

It is the newest nation in the world.
It was created by a people tired of the civil war and hideous crimes committed during the fighting within Sudan.
It's current capital city is Juba, although the government propose moving the capital city to another centre.
According to one source I was reading, it has the poorest infrastructure in the world.
It is one of the first countries where MAF operated it services.

There are other pieces of information that I read up about on the internet, but there's nothing like going to a place to help you to understand it a little bit better and to help you to learn about it. So when we fly to Juba tomorrow for a week's visit, to help prepare us for our move there early next year, I hope we will start this process of understanding and learning about the country that we will soon be calling home.


  1. Will be thinking of you guys all week ;)

  2. Hope the trip goes smoothly and safe travels!

  3. Have also just been exploring juba via the Internet. Maybe one day we'll be able to visit and see for ourselves. Thinking of you all and keeping you in prayer, hoping children are all ok now. love nana
